Thursday, August 18, 2011

World Geography Webquest

A) Write the following questions down in your notebook - skip lines for the answer and then answer them using the website below:
1. What are maps?
2. How long have we made maps?
3. What are the five basic elements of a map?
4. What is the science of map-making called?
5. What are the two technologies we have now that help with maps?
6. What are four types of information shown with maps? Name and explain.
7. What are the two main types of maps?

Go to to read and find the answers to these questions. 

B) Visit the following political map of Africa and answer the questions below. The country names will be bolded and in capital letters. The capitals will be underlined with a red dot.

1. What is the country located north of Sudan?
2. What is the capital of Namibia?
3. What island is located off the Southeast coast of Africa?

C) Use the map at the following link to answer the questions below:
1. Name three rivers that run through Tennessee
2. What county is Tims Ford Lake in? 
3. What was the 2008 population of Shelby County?

D) Use the map at the following link to answer the questions below:
1. What do the colors blue and red mean?
2. What does this map show?
3. In 1992, who did Tennesseeans vote as their President?

E) (MONDAY) Graphing Assignment- We use many graphs to represent information in Geography. Practice reading graphs by answering the questions using the graphs below:

1. Which continent has the most extinct species?

2. The line graph above shows the difference between the demand for energy globally and the availability of what?

3. The average precipitation (rainfall) in mm in August in Peru is ____.
4. The average temperature in Celsius in November is ____.

5. Which country has the most primary jobs?
6. What percentage of Brazil is secondary?

F) You may choose a Family Adventure Game to play to practice your map skills. Play the game below: